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5th April 2023

Woolworths Easter Appeal

The Woolworths Easter Appeal is on now, with 100% of the funds raised in Townsville Woolworths stores going to Brighter Lives! 

Every time you add a $2 token to your shop or round-up at the checkout you are helping sick kids in North Queensland.

You'll be helping kids like Anev, who is our local Woolworths ambassador.

Meet Anev
Thirteen-year-old Anev was only one when she was diagnosed with neuroblastoma – one of the most aggressive forms of childhood cancer.

Anev’s cancer was Stage 4, and had metastasised into her bone marrow, and taken over the bones from her head to her toes.

Thankfully following treatment, Anev remains in remission, with no evidence of return of disease.

However, Anev’s relationship with hospitals is still going strong, as she undergoes treatment for pre-existing bone conditions, including kyphoscoliosis and osteogenesis imperfecta, which were worsened throughout her cancer treatment.

Kyphoscoliosis is a combined spinal abnormality, and osteogenesis imperfecta is a group of disorders characterised by fragile bones that break easily.

Anev remains resilient despite all the hurdles she has faced, with mum, Anita, saying she ‘bulldozes her way through life’.

Managed by the Children's Hospital Foundation, this regional appeal ensures all the money raised by local Woolworths stores goes back into the local community, to fund equipment and programs in paediatric units at local hospitals.
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