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13th May 2024

Larapinta trekkers return

The trekkers from the Destination Adventure and Inspired Adventures Brighter Lives Larapinta Trek have returned! After a wonderful trek fundraising for Brighter Lives, the team have returned with smiles on their faces and so many beautiful photos from this spectacular part of the world!

Thank you and well done to our absolutely incredible fundraisers who raised $28,349 for Brighter Lives!  Every cent they have fundraised goes to Brighter Lives and stays in NQ, helping right here. Many sausage sizzles, bake sales, raffles and other fundraising activities went into making sure they reached their targets. Thank you to everyone who donated. 

Thank you one and all. You are all amazing. What an incredible fundraiser for Brighter Lives.

If you didn’t donate before the trekkers went away, there’s still time. You can still donate to their pages for the next two weeks: 

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