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16th February 2021

FUNDED: Virtual reality going to theatre

Did you know? Donations from our community have funded six Virtual Reality (VR) headsets for the Anaesthetics and Persistent Pain Management Service.

VR has become widely used in the management of procedural pain, such as cannulation, burns dressings, and other

conditions. Research from Queensland Children’s Hospital found significant benefits for children with various conditions.

ICT Project Manager, Michael Barber, said the VR headsets have found significant benefits for children with various conditions.

“It has helped manage chronic pain caused by spinal atrophy, with isolation in patients due to chemotherapy and helping children by reducing anxiety about planned procedures. 

“VR has also been found to be useful in rehabilitation and we would explore applications in collaboration between the children’s physiotherapists, occupational therapists, the physiotherapists, OT’s in NQPPMS,” said Michael.

A young patient recently used the VR headset before surgery, this was successful in reducing anxiety and pain during pre-operating procedures.

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